These Are Some Of The Popular Nigerian Swallow You Should Try

Jennifer Ezeokoli
Jennifer Ezeokoli
Jennifer is a food enthusiast, Writer/Content Creator. Driven by passion, as the Head of content for African Food Network, she strives to curate exciting, fun, informative and functional content.

Nigerian swallows are quite typical. It usually involves a soup and a dough-like porridge staple often called “swallow”.  We call them swallow because you don’t chew these foods, you swallow them. Except you’re one of the exceptions, the people that chew ‘swallow’ foods. I’ve seen a couple of people like that in my lifetime. And I may not grasp the method behind it. Lol.

These popular Nigerian swallows, basically go with soups. They are starchy foods that are cooked to a dense paste and eaten with various soups. You eat these foods with your fingers by taking a morsel of paste, and dipping it in soup, then swallowing it.

Popular Nigerian Swallows


This is arguably the most popular Nigerian swallow. Also known as garri, eba is made from dried and grated cassava. It contains high level of carbohydrates. In the west, white garri is more popular than yellow garri. The color difference is from the methods of processing of the cassava. The color is gotten by adding palm oil.

Image Credit: Facebook

Pounded Yam

Pounded yam, also known as iyan, is one of the many yam recipes eaten in Nigeria. As the name suggests, it is boiled white yam that has been pounded until it becomes homogenous and semi-stretchy dough.

Pounded Yam
Image credit: Cheflola’s kitchen

Some suggestions for Amazon links to “ Whole Foods Market, All Purpose Flour, 80 Ounce”.

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Most popular in the west and Mostly eaten with ewedu or gbegiri. Amala is popularly prepared from yam skins and is locally known as àmàlà iṣu. Once the yams skins are processed, the flour (known as elubo) itself is white in color but it turns to its characteristic rich brown color when added to water and cooked.

Amala 1

Plantain Amala

I got to know about this from my mum. As she grew older, she got more picky with her swallow choices. Plantain Amala is an alternative amala recipe, prepared by blending and cooking unripe plantains until the soft dough forms.

Eating plantain amala can help one maintain resilient skin, as the plantain itself is a good source vitamin A, with 37.5% per 100g. It also contains adequate levels of potassium, which is an important factor in stabilizing blood pressure and heart rate.

Nigerian Swallow


Fufu is my personal favorite swallow. It is a staple food in many African countries that is made from fermented and grounded starchy cassava roots and is a great side dish to any Nigerian soup.


Tuwo Shinkafa

Tuwo shinkafa is a thick rice pudding popularly eaten in the northern part of Nigeria. It is locally prepared from short-grain rice that is cooked pulp, but can also be made using rice flour.

Tuwon Masala Corn meal swallow recipe
Image from Precious Core

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Semolina is a coarse and fibre-rich particle made from durum wheat, which is also used in making pasta. It is low in fat and high in carbohydrate, offering a lot of energy as well as some important minerals like vitamin B and E. It is similar to semovita.


Semovita is a very easy Nigerian swallow to prepare, thus it is a good substitute for pounded yam and amala, which are more difficult to cook. Its particles are coarse, making it a more textured swallow similar to Eba, but without the slight vinegar/sour taste. Because of its high energy content, it is beneficial to individuals trying to gain weight.


A smooth, jelly like swallow made from cassava starch. This traditional dish is beloved for its versatility and pairing with rich, flavorful soups like banga or bittersweet melon. It is common among the Niger-Delta tribe in Nigeria and the preparation involves skillful kneading and cooking to achieve a lump-free, smooth texture.

Image Credit: Facebook

Some suggestions for Amazon links to “Arrowhead Mills Organic Yellow Corn Meal”.

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What Is a Swallow in Yoruba Food?

“Amala” is a popular swallow made from yam flour. It’s prepared by mixing the flour with hot water and then vigorously kneading until it forms a smooth, stretchy consistency. Amala is a beloved staple often paired with rich soups like ewedu or gbegiri, forming a significant part of traditional Yoruba meals and cultural gatherings.

Is It Safe to Swallow Fufu?

Yes, it is safe to swallow fufu. Its soft, smooth texture allows for easy swallowing. As long as it’s properly prepared and eaten in moderation, fufu is safe to swallow.

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Jennifer Ezeokoli
Jennifer Ezeokoli
Jennifer is a food enthusiast, Writer/Content Creator. Driven by passion, as the Head of content for African Food Network, she strives to curate exciting, fun, informative and functional content.

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