Sago Pudding

Nympha Nzeribe
Nympha Nzeribe
Hi there! I'm Nympha Chinenye Nzeribe, a writer and lifestyle enthusiast. Food consumption, has since the inception of time, been an inevitable part of our lives. Here, I commit to highlighting the history, uniqueness, and cooking realities of several dishes. Stay with me.
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Sago pudding is a delicious pudding created by blending sago or tapioca pearls with water or milk, sugar, and sometimes other flavorings. It is made in numerous cultures with varying styles and in a variety of ways. The majority of sago is produced in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Sago is the starchy inside of a sago palm’s trunk. The pearls are made by extracting starch from other sections of the plant and shaping it into a dough. The dough is then sieved before being cooked to high temperatures. Sago can be found in the baking section of any store.

What is Sago Pudding?

Sago gula Melaka is a Malaysian sago pudding created by boiling pearl sago in water and serving it with palm sugar syrup (gula Melaka) and coconut milk.nIn New Guinea, sago pudding is also a popular delicacy.

In the United Kingdom, “sago pudding” is typically produced by boiling sago extracts and sugar in milk until the sago pearls turn clear, then thickening with eggs or cornflour. Depending on the amounts employed, it can have a runny to somewhat thick consistency, akin to tapioca or rice pudding.

Is Sago Pudding The Same As Tapioca Pudding?

Sago pudding can be substituted for Tapioca pudding. While Sago is an edible starch derived from the pith of many tropical palm plants. It’s a common staple in tropical areas.

Tapioca pearls, on the other hand, are manufactured from tapioca or cassava starch, a root crop. It is not usually possible to use either starch interchangeably. Tapioca is the byproduct of making manioc flour from cassava root. The Portuguese took it on their ships and spread it over Africa, Asia, and the West Indies.

Tapioca comes in a variety of shapes, but the little pearls are what are utilized to produce tapioca pudding. Tapioca pearls are often opaque while raw, but turn flexible and translucent when cooked.

Variations of Sago Pudding

  • Dark sugar or honey can be used to lend a delicate flavor to the dish. For a less caloric dessert, use stevia for sugar.
  • Also, just before serving, sprinkle some cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom on top of the pudding.

Sago Pudding


  • 2 cups skim/skim milk
  • ½ cup sago
  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ cup cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence


  • Pour milk into a large microwaveable dish. Add sago and let it soak for 1 hour.
  • Microwave sago on high for 4 minutes. Stir. Microwave sago on high for 4 more minutes. Stir then microwave sago on medium for 5 minutes. By now mixture should be thick, with glassy beads of sago showing through. If not, microwave again on medium for 1 minute at a time until cooked.
  • Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla together in a cup then quickly stir it into hot sago mixture.
  • Microwave sago on medium for 2 minutes then serve hot. Serving suggestion This pudding is delicious with a fruit salad or with a tablespoon of jam.
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Nympha Nzeribe
Nympha Nzeribe
Hi there! I'm Nympha Chinenye Nzeribe, a writer and lifestyle enthusiast. Food consumption, has since the inception of time, been an inevitable part of our lives. Here, I commit to highlighting the history, uniqueness, and cooking realities of several dishes. Stay with me.

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