10 Amazing Edible Mushrooms That Will Add Some Extra Spice To Your Meal

Amarachi Okike
Amarachi Okike
My name is Amarachi Okike, a content writer and lover of the African culture especially its traditional dishes.
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You probably have heard of mushrooms or seen mushrooms and concluded that they cannot be eaten, yes, there are bad mushrooms and there are also good mushrooms that should and can be eaten. These good mushrooms are called Edible mushrooms.

Edible mushrooms are fleshy and edible species of macro fungi. Edible mushrooms can grow below the ground or above ground and are usually harvested by the hand picking technique.

A mushroom can be considered eatable when there is a sense of poisonous substance. There are some pretty dangerous mushrooms and those kinds of mushrooms that should not be eaten are called poisonous mushrooms.

Just as the name implies they are known to contain some poisonous substances, which should not be consumed at all.

Unlike the poisonous mushrooms, the edible mushrooms don’t contain poisonous substances and should be eaten, this is because of their great taste and most especially, their nutritional benefits.

Edible mushrooms are a unique type of food, mostly because of their health benefits, but their taste? Different types of edible mushrooms have different flavors and tastes which makes edible mushrooms unique and awesome in their own way.

Edible mushrooms are plants; they could also be described as the only multicellular fungus that doesn’t have a role to play in the fermentation process.

There are a variety of reasons why edible mushrooms are so special, one of the reasons was the taste, another was the health benefits, another characteristic that makes edible mushrooms so special is the variety they have.

Mushrooms exist in so many different varieties, that it will be almost impossible to cover the different types of edible mushrooms out there. But not worry, The African food network is here to help you with a few edible mushrooms to get you started on your mushroom journey.

Some of the edible mushrooms on this list are not so hard to find, they can be found at your local superstore or at the market. A few others of these edible mushrooms can be found growing in some areas in your environment, and you are going to have to hand pick them yourselves. But be careful, you have to be sure of the type of mushroom it is before you get to pick so that you would not accidentally pick some poisonous mushrooms.

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image from: Pinterest.com

Health Benefits Of Mushrooms

These mushrooms are not just edible, they also have some great health benefits, this is another reason why you are just going to have to include some of these edible to your dishes.

Let us take a look at some of the health benefits of these edible mushrooms.

  • Edible mushrooms are a great source of fiber
  • Edible mushrooms are considered to be rich in antioxidants
  • Edible mushrooms are known to be very rich in proteins
  • Edible mushrooms are a great source of selenium
  • Edible mushrooms are also very rich in some very essential vitamins and minerals
  • Edible mushrooms are an essential part of every diet
  • Edible mushrooms also aid in the improvement of the immune system
  • Mushrooms are known to help in weight loss
  • Edible mushrooms are a great source of iron
  • Edible mushrooms are also known to be a great source of some essential vitamins like magnesium, thiamine, copper, and phosphorus
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image from: Pinterest.com

After reading the health benefits of these edible mushrooms, it will be hard not to want to start adding some edible mushrooms to your meals.

Adding some edible mushrooms to your meal is almost an easy and stress-free process, so what is stopping you from getting some of these amazing health benefits?

We are about to look into some of the different types of edible mushrooms, but remember we said something’s about some poisonous mushrooms?

There really are poisonous mushrooms out there, and they can be very harmful to the human body, hence they should be completely avoided.

Just to keep you informed on the types of poisonous mushrooms out there, the African food network is going to give you the names of some of the poisonous mushrooms.

Some Of The Different Types Of Poisonous Mushrooms 
  • Conocybe filaris
  • Destroying angels
  • Deadly dappering
  • Autumn skullcap
  • Death cap mushrooms
  • Podostroma Cornu-damae
  • Webcap mushroom

These are some of the most dangerous mushrooms you can come across, here are some of the effects of these deadly mushrooms, if you come in contact with them.

What Do These Poisonous Mushrooms Do? 

Edible mushrooms are dangerous to the human body and they have some harmful effects, some of the effects are;

  • Hallucinations

Some of these poisonous mushrooms are known to possess some toxins that are most likely to cause hallucinations, these poisonous mushrooms should be avoided by all means.

  • Intake of the death cap mushrooms (one of the poisonous mushrooms) are most likely to cause death.
  • Another cause of intake of some of these poisonous mushrooms is gastrointestinal pains, and some of these gastrointestinal pains are; Abdominal pains, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
image from: Pinterest.com

10 Edible Mushrooms That Will Add Some Extra Spice To Your Meal

Now that you know some of these poisonous mushrooms and the reasons why they should be completely avoided, are you ready to get familiar with some of the edible mushrooms?

The first edible mushroom on this list of 10 edible mushrooms that will add some extra spice to your meal is:

Chanterelle Mushrooms 

There are some unique features of this edible mushroom that makes it so popular and strikes the interest of many people, but the most NBC moon feature of this edible mushroom is the taste.

This edible mushroom is known to have an amazing taste that is just irresistible, this is one of the reasons why everyone looks out for this type of mushroom. This edible mushroom is said to have a fruity and peppery taste, which makes it simply amazing because it is sure to add some extra flavor and spice to your delicacy.

Another good reason for the popularity of this edible mushroom would be its health benefits, this mushroom has so many great health benefits that no one really wants to miss out on. We would look at the health benefits of this edible mushroom, but before we do, let’s talk more about the chanterelle mushrooms.

This type of edible mushroom is very popular in places like North America, Europe, and even some other countries in Africa.

To further bring out or enhance the taste of this edible mushroom, there are some secret recipes that chefs use, and that would be cooking the edible mushrooms in fat, especially butter.

Doing this is said to bring out the incredible and rich flavor present in the edible mushrooms.

This also leads to an improvement in the taste and flavor of the food being prepared.

Chanterelle mushrooms can be used to prepare a few dishes like:

  • Vegetable sauce
  • Chicken sauce
  • Fried rice
  • Turkey sauce and white rice
  • Truffles
  • Soups

You don’t have to stick to just these few dishes to enjoy your mushroom, you are free to get creative and just make magic out of your edible mushrooms.

The taste of this edible mushroom is already amazing, why don’t you further improve the taste, by being creative and just incorporating the chanterelle mushrooms in your dish?

The second edible mushroom on this list of 10 edible mushrooms that will add some extra spice to your meal is:

Caesars Mushroom 

Who doesn’t like an edible mushroom with an incredible back story? Just as the name says, the history of this edible mushroom is said to go way back in time.

This edible mushroom is known to be very commonly found in Northern African and Europe.

Caesar’s mushrooms were known to be an absolute favorite of the Roman nobility back in the day.

There are different ways of preparing this edible mushroom, but one of the most common and old ways of enjoying and preparing this edible mushroom is by firstly, preparing it raw with salt and oil.

You can check out other recipes for the preparation of this type of edible mushroom, don’t forget to be creative with it and just have some fun creating magic with your edible mushrooms.

The third edible mushroom on this list of 10 edible mushrooms that will add some extra spice to your meal is:

The Black Trumpet Mushroom 

A first look at this type of edible mushroom and you would say it is quite an unattractive type of edible mushroom, but do you remember that saying about not judging a book by its cover?

This type of edible mushroom is known to have a funnel shape; this is why it is often regarded as the funnel-shaped black trumpet mushroom.

As unattractive as this type of edible mushroom may seem, they are known to be rich in proteins, not only are they rich in proteins but they are said to contain sugar-alcohols.

The sugar-alcohol flavor gives this type of edible mushroom its rich and sweet taste, the fun does not stop there. This edible mushroom is said to contain a low net carb count, even lower than many other sweet vegetables.

There are so many ways of enjoying this type of edible mushroom, but one of the most common ways of enjoying the funnel-shaped black Trumpet mushroom is by crumbling the fried version of this edible mushroom to your dishes, it usually serves as a condiment.

Another method of enjoying this type of edible mushroom is by eating it fresh, adding it to your desserts and sweet meals. This type of edible mushroom is sure to give you a great time.

The fourth edible mushroom on this list of 10 edible mushrooms that will add some extra spice to your meal is:

Bay Bolete Mushroom

This edible mushroom is considered to have a mild flavor. The bay bolete mushroom is very popular in Mexico and can be found in several Mexican markets.

This edible mushroom can be eaten raw.

You can enjoy the bay bolete mushrooms with any African dish you love, feel free to have fun with it, and enjoy these flavor-filled edible mushrooms.

The fifth edible mushroom on this list of 10 edible mushrooms that will add some extra spice to your meal is:

The White Button Mushroom

This type of edible mushroom is considered to be one of the most popular edible mushrooms and guess the reasons for its great popularity.

The white button mushrooms are popular for their great taste and amazing health benefits, also because they can be enjoyed with a wide range of dishes.

white button mushrooms
whit button mushrooms
image from: Pinterest.com

The white button mushrooms are considered to be one of the most consumed mushrooms in so many places around the world.

With the mild taste of this edible mushroom, it is said to be able to adapt in any delicacy, adding some extra flavor and taste to the dish, making it exceptionally delicious.

This type of edible mushroom was first found and cultivated in the late1800s, but they were conferred to be brown in color, many decades after, the mushrooms began to mutate and a white button mushroom was seen.

The white button mushroom made the mushroom growers interested which led to the cultivation of this incredible edible mushroom.

The sixth edible mushroom on this list of 10 edible mushrooms that will add some extra spice to your meal is:

The Cauliflower Mushroom

If you are not familiar with this type of mushroom, you should celebrate because this type of edible mushroom is considered to be one of the best types of edible mushrooms out there.

This type of edible mushroom is conferred to be one of the most beautiful mushrooms.

The cauliflower mushrooms can grow in huge sizes, a downside to this edible mushroom is the amount of time that would be taken to clean up the edible mushroom, this is as a result of the crevices; But what are a few cervices to the amazing and beautiful cauliflower mushrooms?

The flavor of this edible mushroom is also another reason why it is one of the best edible mushrooms out there. This edible mushroom can go well with any African dish of your choice.

To give your dish some extra flavor and spice, this edible mushroom would be one of the best options for you.

There are so many dishes you can enjoy your cauliflower mushrooms with, but not to worry, we would help you with a few African dishes you can enjoy this edible mushroom with.

What African Dishes can You Enjoy This Edible Mushroom With?

The seventh edible mushroom on this list of 10 edible mushrooms that will add some extra spice to your meal:

The Gypsy Mushroom

This type of edible mushroom has a mild flavor when cooked, as well as a slightly bitter taste.

Finding the gypsy mushroom in large quantities can be quite a task, so to be able to

gypsey mushrooms
gypsy mushrooms
image from: Pinterest.com

Enjoy this type of edible mushroom, it is usually prepared with other different types of edible mushrooms with different flavors.

This would not only add some extra spice to your meal, but it would also enhance the flavor, mixing different flavors of these edible mushrooms will add a little extra flavor, nutrients, and over allspice to your meal. Isn’t this great?

The eight edible mushrooms on this list of 10 edible mushrooms that will make you happy are:

The Field Mushroom

This type of edible mushroom is a close relative to the button mushrooms, but this type of edible mushroom is known as an edible mushroom.

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field mushrooms
image from: Pinterest.com

A suitable way to enjoy this type of edible mushroom is to have it sautéed, and cooked with stews and sauces.

Another way of enjoying this type of edible mushroom can also be used to add some extra spice and flavor to your salad. For different types of salads, you can have fun with, you can check out this article about different types of African salads here at the African food network.

The field mushroom is known to have a very short life span, which makes it hard to harvest this type of edible mushroom in large quantities.

The ninth type of edible mushroom on this list of 10 types of edible mushrooms that will add some spice to your meal is:

Cremini Mushrooms

Do you remember the white button mushroom? The edible mushroom that initially started off with a brown color until a mutation occurred, producing a white variety of the button mushroom?

This type of edible mushroom is the initial brown button mushroom, the name initially given to the brown type of this edible mushroom is the Cremini mushroom.

These two types of edible mushrooms are almost the same, one of the major differences between these two types of edible mushrooms is the taste.

The Cremini mushroom is said to have quite a bit of a more complex taste, than that of the white button mushroom.

The tenth type of Edible mushroom on this list of 10 types of edible mushrooms that will add some extra spice to your meal is:

The Charcoal-Burner Russla Mushroom 

This type of dinks mushroom is considered to be one of the most popular types of edible mushroom.

To describe this type of edible mushroom, the skin is soft with non-brittle gills and is known to have a nutty and mild flavor.

This mushroom is one of the best edible mushrooms because it is pretty versatile in the kitchen and absolutely delicious.

This type of edible mushroom maintains a certain type of great texture, and after it is cooked

The charcoal-burner russla mushroom can be eaten with any dish you love, feel free to have fun and be creative with your edible mushroom.

Did you learn something new? Let us have a recap; Edible mushrooms are very healthy and are an essential part of almost every meal, and they are very versatile and can be enjoyed with so many dishes, so you can always make the best of your edible mushrooms and try out new recipes, while you are enjoying some edible mushroom.

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image from: Pinterest.com

There are different types of mushrooms and some of them are edible which you read about, while some of them are poisonous, and they have some dangerous effects on the body, so they should be avoided.

You got familiar with the health benefits and some of the essential nutrients that these edible mushrooms possess.

This is just a recap of the fun and exciting information you just got about mushrooms.

After reading about these types of edible mushrooms that will add spice to your meal, it is hard not to want to be a part of this enjoyment.

The health benefits as you could see are also great and these edible mushrooms also have a way of engaging the look, flavor, and taste of a meal in a way that would make you want to have mushrooms in almost every meal.

The great thing about these edible mushrooms is their ability to blend in perfectly with any meal of your choice, giving your meal a rich and fine taste.

image from: Pinterest.com

These ten edible mushrooms that will add some extra spice to your meal are not the only types of edible mushrooms out there, there are some other pretty amazing edible mushrooms out there that have fantastic flavors, great health benefits and of course great recipes on how to incorporate them in your food.

Feel free to check them out and try something new, as you already know, African food network is all about trying new things and having the oppourtunity to try out new flavors with food, just trying to get new and fun experiences with your food.

Trying out new flavors might not be much, but that feeling of trying a meal for the first time, and you begin to wonder the different types of ingredients it took to produce such great and elegant taste, just remember it took one person who was willing to step out of their comfort zone to try out a mix of different flavors and different types of food, who probably got the idea from an article that talked about the different types of edible mushrooms, remember that person can be you too.


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Amarachi Okike
Amarachi Okike
My name is Amarachi Okike, a content writer and lover of the African culture especially its traditional dishes.

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