Have You Tried These 3 Delicious African Dishes?

Amarachi Okike
Amarachi Okike
My name is Amarachi Okike, a content writer and lover of the African culture especially its traditional dishes.
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In a world where there are thousands of experiences, you can get, experiencing the world of food should be at the top of the list.

To know how diverse, you are with your food, we are here to find out how many of these dishes you have tried.

Before we get right into the list, let’s talk about African food; Africa as you know is a continent that consists of about fifty-four countries.

Each country has been blessed with their traditions and cultures, makes you want to travel to all the countries in Africa just to get a feel of the beauty and essence of Africa.

It is okay if you cannot travel out of your country to experience these cultures, that is why we are here to help with the little things that also matter, and that’s food.

Every home most definitely has a kitchen where you can prepare food for your consumption and also your enjoyment but what if we say, you can travel to several African countries and experience their African dishes from just your kitchen? Shocking right? Well of course you can, that is why Afrifoodnetwork.com is here.

We give you the best experiences with just your food, you cannot imagine the countries and places you can travel to with you these African dishes.

Traveling to these countries is as easy as scrolling through a few recipes on afrifoodnetwork.com, finding a few dishes interesting enough for you to try, and going ahead to cook these dishes in your kitchen. Traveling to the world of African dishes just became easier and it is all thanks to. afrifoodnetwork.com



There are thousands of African dishes waiting for you to try out, what could be holding you back? Think of the great health benefits you would get, the flavor, the color, and best of all, the fun, and exciting experience of trying out dishes from several places around the world.


Are you looking for new dishes to add to your menu? Are you tired of eating the same boring food over and over again? Getting familiar with new food, especially African dishes, would be giving your body the chance to accept new and good nutrients that will help you in so many ways.

Trying new food, especially African dishes also gives your mind some room for creativity. “What do you mean by the creativity you say?” Being creative in the kitchen is a thing because your mind develops new habits, and also creates new habits for you.

The more you cook and try out new dishes, the more your mind would want to explore more, create new dishes on your own, add new spices, prepare a dish in your way, even create your recipe. Isn’t this creativity?


Who said the food was the only way you can be creative in the kitchen? There are so many other ways for you to express yourself in the kitchen like;

  • Making drinks
  • Making smoothies
  • Making fruit drinks
  • Making pastries
  • Understanding the uses of some kitchen equipment
  • Using food for other purposes. For example, rice; Rice has so many other uses for you that are outside just cooking. You can check out the uses of rice here at afrifoodnetwork.com/uses of rice
  • Getting familiar with other uses of fruits and vegetables

To read more on different ways you can be expressive and creative in the kitchen, check out other articles written here at afrifoodnetwork.com.



Before we get into this aspect of the article, you must open your mind and eyes to the world of African dishes, pastries, and drinks you are about to encounter. You should know that the list is going to include sections for food, drinkspastriessalads, and snacks, All African. Are you not excited?

Let’s get into it!


The first African dish on this list is coming from Ghana. This dish is a very popular staple in Ghana, and it is very tasty. The African dish is called WAAKYE RICE.


Waakye rice is coming from Ghana to impress you with its massive health benefits and its amazing recipe you definitely should check out, at afrifoodnetwork.com.

If you have had Waakye rice before, then you know how captivating it can be, it is hard to tell if It is the rice in the dish, or the beans, or even the mix of the rice and beans together in this dish.

If you have not tried waakye rice before, then this is for you; Waakye rice is a traditional dish mostly found in Ghana, this dish is a mix of rice and beans, including a secret recipe that puts the “Waakye” in Waakye rice.

Do you want to know the secret recipe for this dish? Of course, you do. The secret recipe for Waakye rice is Sorghum leaves.

Sorghum doesn’t only give Waakye the distinctive color it has, it also adds some extra flavor to the dish, imagine eating a dish that has great taste, beautiful color, and some amazing health benefits. What else are you waiting for?

If you have had Waakye rice before, you should know how easy it is for this dish to jump straight to the first on your list of favorite foods. If you have not tried Waakye rice before, make sure you try it, and be rest assured it will make you ask for more.

Have you had Waakye rice before? Let us know, try to describe the taste for us.


The second African dish on this list is a very intense, yet delicious dish, if you have had it before, you should understand why it was described as intense. The African dish is FUFU AND OHA SOUP



This is a very popular “swallow” in Nigeria and can be found in so many regions of the country, although the recipes may vary, it is still one of the best swallows you will ever try in Nigeria.

There are also many other swallows in Africa like;

  • Semo
  • Eba
  • Tuo shinkafa
  • Amala

If you have had Fufu before or any of these other dishes you would know it can be paired with any soup of your choice. Let us know your favorite soup to pair with Fufu.

Here are a few soups you can enjoy Fufu with:

  • Miyan Kuka
  • Groundnut soup
  • Egusi
  • Oha soup
  • Palaver soup
  • Kontomire
  • Beniseed soup
  • Miyan Tuashe
  • Efo riro
  • Gbegiri

There are many other soups out there for you to try, and you are also free to enjoy your soup with any swallow of your choice.

Let us know how you enjoy your swallow and what soup was your favorite.

Image from: Pinterest.com

Oha soup picturesOHA SOUP

Oha soup is a traditional dish, very popular in the Eastern parts of Nigeria. It is made from …. This soup would do wonders for you; You need to try this soup to know for yourself why it is wonderful. Not only is it delicious, but it is also very nutritional and did I mention delicious?

For those of you who haven’t had Oha soup before, what are you waiting for? Get your recipe and start cooking!

If you have tried Oha soup, how was it for you? What swallow did you have it with? Let us know.




You know how they say, “There is nothing that tastes better than plantain”. Well, what will you do if we tell you that the only thing better than plantain is more plantain?

If you have not had plantain before, do you now see why you just have to taste plantain? It’s the best thing you can ever try, from the nice wet juice to the flavor, to the aroma, even down to the nutritional benefits. It is hard not to want to have a try of this delicious African dish.

Guess what, the delicious plantain is one of the most versatile foods you will ever know, it can be eaten in any many you like, you can fry it, you can even boil it. Do you now see why Plantain is the only thing better than plantain?

Image from: Pinterest.com


If you are looking for new ways to enjoy your vegetables, this one here is for you. The vegetable sauce is a dish that can be eaten with any side you choose, or even alone.

Having vegetable sauce on your menu at least three times a week, you are doing yourself a whole lot of good.

What better way to enjoy a healthy meal like vegetable sauce if it is not enjoyed with boiled plantain?

If you have had this combination before, you would know why it is on this list, it is just a dish you are going to have to taste for yourself to know why it is seeming so delicious.

So if you are looking for a recipe, here are a few for you to have fun with at afrifoodnetwork.com.



After reading this list of delicious African dishes, did you get to recall any taste, did you smile because you understand why you just have to try it?

If you did all these then it is quite obvious you’ve had all three of those delicious African dishes, give yourself a hi-five for a good job, well done.

If you didn’t get all three, you too should give yourself a hi-five for an excellent job, well done.

If you didn’t get any, give yourself a big hug because you have made the first step to experiencing this magical world of delicious African dishes.

You are here, right now, that is a huge step, now the next step is to go check out the recipes for these dishes, and you can find them here at afrifoodnetwork.com.

Good luck on your journey and I hope you have a taste of these African dishes that are meant to nourish your mind, body, and soul.



If you don’t like pastries, then you are in the right place you are meant to be. This part of the article is going to take you from not liking African pastries, to having pastries as the best thing you have ever had.

“What are African pastries?” you might ask, well a pastry can be described as a snack that is occasionally prepared with flour and water, other ingredients can be added to the mixture to sweeten or give it some extra flavor. Pastries can also be referred to as baked snacks or products.

There are a few basic ingredients used in the preparation of pastries like;

  • Eggs
  • Flour
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Pepper (Optional)
  • Nutmeg
  • Baking powder
  • Yeast

Now that you know exactly what you are getting into, let’s get right into this list.

Remember to keep a record of how many African pastries on this list you have had a taste of. Also keep an open mind if you don’t like pastries, who knows, maybe you would find, maybe one or two African pastries that you might like.

The first African pastry on this list is; SOUTH AFRICAN CHICKEN PIE

Create this scenario in your mind for a moment; A chicken lover, who is also a lover of pastries, how do you combine your two favorite things into one amazing snack that you can enjoy both at the same time?

South African chicken pie is a gift to you. The South African chicken pie is a pastry that tastes twice as nice, because of the chicken, the spices, and the dough.

This African pastry is an African pastry that you should have, the richness, the taste, the flavor, and the aroma alone would have you begging for more. Is this not something you should try?

Don’t worry, there’s always a killer recipe waiting for you to click on and create some magic with, if you are looking for a recipe for this delicious African pastry, you can find it here at afrifoodnetwork.com.


Image from: Pinterest.com

puff puff picturesPUFF PUFF

Everyone who has had this African pastry would tell you why it has to be on this list, if you haven’t had Puff puff before, then this is going to be hard, it is just something you are going to have to try for yourself and understand the tenderness and sweetness of this delicious African pastry.

Puff puff is an African pastry that involves the frying of dough, to a brownish color. This delicious African pastry is very common in Nigeria, but who said you cannot enjoy this African pastry at home?

Don’t worry, we have got you covered, here are a few ingredients you would need to get you started on your Puff puff experience;

  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • Nutmeg
  • Yeast
  • Grounded pepper

You were probably wondering where you can get a good recipe for Puff puff, you’re not far from the recipe, here is one for your use here at afrifoodnetwork.com/uncategorized/african-desserts/.

If you have already tried puff puff before, you would know how delicious this African pastry is, you just keep going for more, it is impossible to get enough of this delicious African pastry.



Om Ali is an Egyptian pastry, it is almost like the American pudding and is enjoyed across many countries in Africa, but mostly Egypt. But who is to say you cannot enjoy this tasty African pastry in your country, from your kitchen.

Image from Pinterest.com

African dishesThere is an interesting story behind this delicious Egyptian pastry, wouldn’t you love to know the story? You can check it out in this article about delicious African pastries here at afrifoodnetwork.com.

For those who have had a try of this delicious African pastry, how would you describe the taste? Did you enjoy it? Let us know what you think about this pastry.

If you haven’t tried this dish before, you should check out this recipe that was specially made for you.



It is completely okay if you have not had any of the African dishes and pastries previously mentioned, this is the African drinks section.

If you have never had even a sip of these drinks? What are you waiting for? Close this article right now and head straight to Afrifoodnetwork.com to get the recipes for these drinks and get creative.

Everyone must have a taste of at least two of these drinks, in their lifetime. You wouldn’t want to live a life where you have not had any of these drinks, would you?


How many of these African drinks have you had? Remember, we are always here for you with recipes to get you started on your food experience, well, in this case, your drink experience.

Image from: Pinterest.com

African drinksThe first drink on this list is; SOBOLO DRINK

Sobolo drink is very popular in some countries in West Africa and is also very healthy. If you have had this drink before, then guess what? You are doing your body and mind a very big favor, from cleansing your body, and feeding your body with the right nutrients it needs, so kudos!

If you are yet to have a taste of this healthy and amazing drink, here are some information about the drink you should get to know;

Sobolo drink is made from dried hibiscus flowers or rosella leaves, the name of this drink varies across countries in West Africa, for example; In Burkina Faso, Sobolo drink is known as Bissap, and in Nigeria, the drink is known as Zobo.

From the look of this drink alone, you already know this drink is good for your health, in case you don’t know, don’t worry, we would help you out with a few health benefits of this amazing drink.

To give you a little peek of the health benefits of Sobolo drink, here’s a list to help you;

  • Helps in the revival of your appetite.
  • Helps with constipation.
  • Helps in weight loss.
  • According to farmersdigest.org, the Sobolo drink is known to help in the prevention of some diseases like cancer, due to the great antioxidants the Sobolo drink is known to have.
  • Enhances the immune system.
  • Sobolo drink is a great energy booster.

Is this not exciting? Well if you have already had a try of this drink, even if it was just once, tell us how it was, tell us how it made you feel, did you enjoy it?

If you are yet to try this drink, don’t worry, there is also something for you, Sobolo is also very popular and can be found almost everywhere around you, but you don’t have to go around looking for this drink when we are here for you.

There is always a recipe waiting for you to try out, and the recipe for Sobolo drink is also here for you to enjoy, so you can check out the recipe for this nutritious and healthy drink here at afrifoodnetwork.com/recipes/sobolo-drink/

Be sure to give your review of this amazing drink after you give it a try.


Do you love anything South African? Do you love beer? Then this is the place for you. Umqombothi is a South African drink that is made from maize meal, corn malt, crushed sorghum, yeast, and water.

If you are yet to give this drink a try, then what are you waiting for? A recipe? Stop looking too far, there is always a recipe here for you. You can check out the recipe for this amazing South African beer here at afrifoodnetwork.com/recipes/drinks-recipes/umqombothi/



Let us know how many of these African dishes you have tried, also tell us about your experience and how it tasted.

Don’t worry, many other African dishes are out there for you to try, so if you were not able to get any, don’t feel so sad, take a few deep breaths, drink water, wear a huge smile on your face, and check out other great and delicious African dishes here at Afrifoodnetwork.com.


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Amarachi Okike
Amarachi Okike
My name is Amarachi Okike, a content writer and lover of the African culture especially its traditional dishes.

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